Growth Sidepockets
Designed for maximum growth within your risk tolerance over your investment lifetime.
The following is a backtested model of Sidepocket model data and is not updated on a market-to-market basis for practical purposes and should not be used for evaluation purposes. For live performance data of all models, use the Sidepocket app.
Download SidepocketIncome Sidepockets
Designed for consistent income within your risk tolerance. Fantastic for IRAs.
**The above models and data are hypothetical, and are purely meant to show an example of the Sidepocket Explore section. To view model performance, please go to the Sidepocket web or mobile application.
Download SidepocketCapital Preservation Sidepockets
Designed for maximum growth within your risk tolerance over your investment lifetime.
**The above models and data are hypothetical, and are purely meant to show an example of the Sidepocket Explore section. To view model performance, please go to the Sidepocket web or mobile application.
Download SidepocketSpeculative Sidepockets
Designed for risk takers. Built for market outperformance, but carry more risk.
**The above models and data are hypothetical, and are purely meant to show an example of the Sidepocket Explore section. To view model performance, please go to the Sidepocket web or mobile application.
Download SidepocketYour new active money manager.
Even with the know-how required to invest and manage those investments will still take you away from what matters - your family, your career and your passions. Sidepocket offers Investment Models which rebalance automatically, so you don’t have to worry about being a financial professional and trading on your own.

Tactical Rebalancing
Disclaimer: This graph is representative of a hypothetical
scenario, not actual performance. Detailed performance
data can be reviewed in the Sidepocket platform.
Disclaimer: This graph is representative of a hypothetical
scenario, not actual performance. Detailed performance
data can be reviewed in the Sidepocket platform.
Disclaimer: This graph is representative of a hypothetical
scenario, not actual performance. Detailed performance
data can be reviewed in the Sidepocket platform.

We live in turbulent times
The markets are changing more than ever before, and this can leave many people explored to losing much more than they realise.
You can minimise impact of market crashes
We do one thing better than anyone else and that is about reducing the risk and impact of market crashes and dips through tactical asset allocation.
Signal updates every minute,
every day
Sidepocket’s next-era technology monitors your portfolio every minute to adapt to market trends so you can focus on what is important - with access to your money and our support team, 24/7.
The performance for the Growth Sidepockets presented above is hypothetical model performance and does not represent the investment performance or the actual accounts of any investors. Hypothetical performance has inherent risks and limitations, and prospective investors should not place undue reliance on any such information. Any hypothetical performance shown is for illustrative purposes only. Performance does not include fees and expenses that would have been paid if the hypothetical performance had been achieved by an actual account. Such results do not represent actual results and do not take into consideration economic or market factors which can impact performance. Actual clients may achieve investment results materially different from the results portrayed.The securities in the above hypothetical model portfolios were selected with the full benefit of hindsight, after their performance over the period shown was known. The results achieved in our simulations do not guarantee future investment results. The model performance information is based on the back-tested performance of Sidepocket model data over the time periods indicated and is not updated on a market-to-market basis for practical purposes and should not be used for evaluation purposes.“Back-testing” is a process of objectively simulating historical investment returns by applying a set of rules for buying and selling securities, and other assets, backward in time, testing those rules, and hypothetically investing in the securities and other assets that are chosen. Back-testing is designed to allow investors to understand and evaluate certain strategies by seeing how they would have performed hypothetically during certain time periods. It is possible that the markets will perform better or worse than shown in the projections; that the actual results of an investor who invests in the manner these projections suggest will be better or worse than the projections, and that an investor may lose money by investing in the manner the projections suggest.The ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program regardless of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of the hypothetical performance results, all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. For live performance data of all models, please use the Sidepocket WebApp.
Add descriptions of the Growth Sidepockets to the bottom of the page as well as definitions for the following to the bottom of the page: (potentially add links to these definitions when the individual hovers or clicks on the data point).
5 out of 5 stars on the App Store.