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Unlock limitless passive income from your content, in perpetuity.

Unlike traditional financial institutions, Sidepocket is uniquely positioned to share revenue with creators, providing them with ongoing revenue streams.

* Sidepocket, an SEC-Registered Investment Advisor, has a legal obligation to prioritize our clients’ interests. This commitment underpins our advisory and platform services, ensuring integrity, transparency, and fiduciary responsibility are foundational to our operations.

Share your own financial journey with your audience.

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Sidepocket will give you the tools to step up your financial journey which can be shared with your audience. Our CIIP platform allows you to upload your own content to the Sidepocket Platform so your audience can follow along.

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Unlock passive income from your content.

Unlike traditional financial institutions, Sidepocket is uniquely positioned to share up to 22% of revenue with creators, providing them with ongoing revenue streams. Creators receive support, tools, and education from investing professionals, and make investing fun and engaging for their audience. By partnering with Sidepocket, creators can empower investors from their audience, build trust, and unlock new revenue opportunities while complying with SEC regulations.

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We give you the tools

You get your own content portal where you can share exclusive financial education content, and invite your followers on your financial wellness journey.

We help guide the content

Sidepocket gives you guidance to help generate content, and our compliance team reviews all published content to ensure for quality for end users.

Get paid in perpetuity

Instead of having to negotiate one-off promotions, Sidepocket licenses your content and pays in perpetuity.  As your followers grows in size and assets, so does  revenue.

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Sidepocket’s Content CMS

You’ll get an out of the box Content Management Software (CMS) to upload and manage the content you create.

Your audience sees your content exclusively

Your audience consumes your content in the Sidepocket platform, giving them a unique experience. Help guide them.

Upload once, get paid based on conversion

Upload your content once, then it’s up to you to market it on your channels. The more conversion, the more you’ll get paid.

Up the playing field with your content and unlock limitless passive income.

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